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The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Hello my sweet Queens,

Today is one of the most important discussions we will ever have. To speak of the power of prayer is to speak of the supernatural power of God. It is a sacred power; an ancient power given to children of God to change the world.

You are Royal daughters of the Almighty King and He has given this power to you.

First, you must have Jesus in your heart so that you will be cleansed from the sins of this world. Only then God will be able to pour His pure blessings into your new pure heart.

Pray This Way:


When we pray, our spirits enter into the presence of God, into the very throne room in Heaven where Almighty GOD governs the entire Universe from, where the beginning and end of time is in His hand.

To mention the power of prayer is no light matter my Queens, but it is of utmost importance to handle it with care.

Our voices penetrate the atmosphere of earth and create pillars of fire that burn through the devil’s domain. The sweet fragrance of our sincere prayers please GOD and surround Him with a sweet incense that fills His nostrils and gives His heart much joy.

Indeed, you have the power to satisfy God with the soft sound of your voice and spirit in prayer.

There is no greater power on earth that all children of God hold, than prayer. Even the Holy Angels in Heaven still pray to GOD. It is the most intimate and powerful way to share your thoughts, your heart, your love, and your wishes with Him.

The Power of Prayer

Now remember, the key to answered prayers is purity and obedience to God’s word. The King will not bless those who do not follow the rules of the Kingdom. All these are found in the one and only Word of God, the precious Holy Bible. Those who rebel against God’s word will face harsh punishment, as is fit for all Royal Kingdoms.

Though I trust that you my glorious Queens, will live by the Holy Word. You will honor our Father who is in Heaven. You will pray to Him in earnest, you will seek Him with all your heart until you find Him.

This is one of my most divine prayers to Jesus each day:

“Dear LORD, I love you…I pray that Your Will be done in my life. I trust that you know what is best for Me. So I put all my faith in you GOD. Please guide me. Grant me wisdom, knowledge, strength, faith, understanding, courage, grace, peace, patience, purity, prosperity, and a willing, obedient heart to think, say, and do all that is good and pleasing in Your sight. God, please grant me a closer relationship with You LORD. So that my life may honor You and bring You glory. I pray all these things and receive them in Jesus’ name. Amen”

Enter Into God's Presence Through Prayer

When you pray to God, you confirm to Him that you trust Him. It lets Him know that you believe He will hear you, and that He loves you enough to answer those prayers. Because He does.

Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you.

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people”

~ Ephesians 1:18, Holy Bible

Go now, and be powerful in your prayers.

#BeBlessed #BeLOVE

~Jacqueline Maddison

Jacqueline Maddison is Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in empowering others with the truth.

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