Dear Royal daughters, My heart is filled with so much joy to be able to share this special message with you. The LORD has put it on my heart to teach you about the treasure of the heart. First I just want to thank Jesus for being such a Wonderful, Loving God who really is with us every step of the way who guides us and leads us with His loving eye on us. Truly, He never leaves us or forsakes us. Praise God for His unfailing love. ~ Psalm 32:8, Hebrews 13:5 Beautiful Queens, I want you to know that you are God’s own precious treasure. As a child of God, He holds you as a rare crown in the palm of His hand. To His heart, you are simply irreplaceable. He loves you with an everlasting love, and because He first loved us, we ought to love others as we have been loved. ~ 1 John 4:19, Isaiah 62:3, Jeremiah 31:3, Deuteronomy 7:6 This is what it means to have a heart of gold. It means that you share in the love of God through Jesus Christ. For God so loved the world that He gave His one […]
Read OnHello Royal daughters, Today we are going to talk about something that is very dear to my heart. Your DESTINY. First of all, I want you to understand what destiny truly is. DESTINY: the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future or the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate. Furthermore, EVERYBODY has a God given destiny. God is the author of life, time, and eternity. Just as many people on earth write books and create characters, GOD has written a Book all about you. YOU are a character that GOD has created and pre-destined a perfect story for. Isn’t that amazing?! GOD imagined who and what you would be, he wrote it down, and then breathed life into your mother’s womb for you to be born, to come to earth to live out your pre-destined Destiny. Accordingly, you must know that each and every person on earth has a unique Destiny that God created just for them, including you. There is one catch. The devil wants to steal that Destiny! He wants to destroy all opportunities you may have to fulfill that Divine Destiny of GOD. Even God’s […]
Read OnHello my sweet Queens, Today is one of the most important discussions we will ever have. To speak of the power of prayer is to speak of the supernatural power of God. It is a sacred power; an ancient power given to children of God to change the world. You are Royal daughters of the Almighty King and He has given this power to you. First, you must have Jesus in your heart so that you will be cleansed from the sins of this world. Only then God will be able to pour His pure blessings into your new pure heart. Pray This Way: When we pray, our spirits enter into the presence of God, into the very throne room in Heaven where Almighty GOD governs the entire Universe from, where the beginning and end of time is in His hand. To mention the power of prayer is no light matter my Queens, but it is of utmost importance to handle it with care. Our voices penetrate the atmosphere of earth and create pillars of fire that burn through the devil’s domain. The sweet fragrance of our sincere prayers please GOD and surround Him with a sweet incense that fills […]
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