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The Kingdom Call To Compassion

The Kingdom Call To Compassion

Hello all my glorious Queens,

I hope this message finds you happy and healthy. Today we will be talking about compassion.

Do you know what compassion is? How will you know if you have it?

COMPASSION: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

My heart breaks when I see someone homeless on the streets, or if I see any animal that has been neglected or harmed in any way. I can’t bear the thought of someone inflicting such conditions on another. Nor can I stand for those who allow it to continue. It breaks my heart and brings me to tears.

That is compassion.

Since we are all royal daughters of God, I want to make this official call to compassion for all of us. We must rise to a new standard of caring for our fellow human beings. We must give whatever we can to make someone else’s existence better. If you don’t have money to give, give food. If not food, give clothes. If not clothes, give hope, and with hope, give love. When you share of your time, your energy, and your heart…You give love.


No more selfishness! Selfishness must be done away with forever. It is the work of the devil himself.

We do not belong to the devil. We belong to the Almighty King, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. We are co-heirs with Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven. We belong to GOD. We are His children, the Royal offspring, and we must behave like it.

In your thoughts, words, and deeds we must exhibit compassion for all creatures and all things.

Jesus tells us in the Holy Bible, “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” ~ Colossians 3:12, Holy Bible

The breath of Life we all share is a gift from God. It is God’s very life itself that lives through each and every one of us, and all living things. Therefore, we must honor this.

A small act of kindness, as simple as sharing a smile with a stranger, is an act of compassion. Life is a difficult journey through this fallen world. We will all face trails and temptations set by the devil to destroy our peace, but we must remain strong in our Royal position as children of the King.

We must use love and compassion as our greatest weapons against the works of evil and hate in this world. The LORD Jesus is watching us and with us always. Take comfort in this knowledge of God’s ever presence. Know that He loves you very much, and He has compassion on you every day. The more we honor God and serve our fellow brothers and sisters with acts of compassion and kindness, God will shew His love and compassion on us in greater measure.

“Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!” ~ Isaiah 30:18, Holy Bible

Finally, now go into the world and show all people the beauty of love and compassion. Add to it the sweetness of purity and honesty. Then you shall truly be a Royal Queen in the majestic and eternal Kingdom of God.

#BeBlessed #BeLOVE

~Jacqueline Maddison

Jacqueline Maddison is Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in empowering others with the truth.

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