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The Prize of Prosperity

The Prize of Prosperity

Welcome my glorious Queens,

Today King Jesus wants you to learn all about the precious prize of Prosperity. He wants you to know the truth. That God will provide for your every need. He gives dew for the flowers of the fields each night so that they will have the sustenance they need to blossom, how much more will He give to you, His precious Royal daughter? Oh much more, my dear!

What is Prosperity? It is a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune.

The Prize of Prosperity

Furthermore, God promises to give us His peace that surpasses understanding. This is a peace that no matter what you’re going through, you will still have a beautiful, tranquil peace in your heart. God also promises us that He will protect us, and surround us with His army of angels. Even more, our King promises to give us the royal prize of Prosperity.

In addition, Jesus wants every Queen to be in health, wealth, happiness, and harmony. All of His promises are true, and when combined they give you a life full of love, joy, peace, and prosperity! You should not live any other way! God is your Heavenly Father. He knew you before He formed you in your mother’s womb, when you were just a Spirit in His bosom. He breathed your breath of life into your body, and you grew into a human being.

God authored the book of your life, before He created you as the character that you are in order to fulfill His vision for you. God has a spectacular plan and purpose for your life! God’s plans for your life will far exceed anything you could ever imagine for yourself. Believe me, I know!!!

The Prize of Prosperity

The Destiny He has given me, still brings me to my knees bowing and worshiping Him in humble gratitude. Moreover, I would never have thought I could live the life I lead, but God’s love is greater than we know. His ways are higher than your ways. His thoughts are higher than your thoughts. Surrender your life to Jesus, and watch His Divine plan for your life unfold in the most mystical ways ever!!! God is a supernatural, eternal spiritual being! He can do anything!!! All things are possible with God!

For this reason, receive King Jesus as your LORD and Savior and you will never be the same. Finally, believe that all your dreams can come true. Jesus will help you every step of the way.  God promises to give you the desires of your heart, if you choose to follow Him and give Him your heart first.

 If you want to receive the Destiny God has written in His books about you, pray this prayer from a sincere heart>>>

The Prize of Prosperity

Strangely enough, most people think prosperity is all about money. But it’s not!!! Of course, God will provide you with awesome business ideas or inventions you can create in order to achieve financial success. Plus God has given each and every one of us special talents and gifts that are unique to you. You must use your talent and follow your dreams! Trust in the LORD and have faith that God will help you along the way. Because He will! He did it for me, and He will do it for you. Jesus loves you!

From here on, you must work for the LORD, and do all things in servitude to Him. He will bless your efforts. Jesus will bless your kindness to others. Believe me, my love, He will bless your faith.

The truth is, prosperity is a state of continual growth and ever-increase, in wisdom, love, peace, spiritual understanding, opportunity, and money. Ultimately, God wants you to be complete and provided for in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY!!!

The Prize of Prosperity

Staying close to Jesus in prayer, through daily Bible study, and worshiping of God, you can receive the glorious prize of Prosperity that only God can give. It is one of His greatest gifts to those who choose to honor Him and follow Him. He will give you all of these wonderful gifts if you will live by the Word of God, which is His Holy Instruction and the Divine Law for Life.

Therefore, when when your time comes, and God calls you home, you can enter the Royal Kingdom of Heaven to be with God continuing in His eternal gifts of peace, love, joy, and prosperity FOREVER MORE!

In conclusion, Royal Daughter, do not delay in receiving the prize of Prosperity that God has for you. You must turn away from your sinful nature every day. Separate yourself from evil ways of the forces of darkness that seek to destroy your God given Destiny and try to rob you of your purpose, peace, and prosperity. Rebuke Satan! Rebuke the devil every morning.

Wake up and say your daily declarations and decrees, “I rebuke you Satan! I declare and decree I will not tolerate darkness in my presence. Holy army of Angels, I command you to destroy your wicked plans against me today and I plead the blood of Jesus over my life. I declare and decree that I walk in the power and authority that Jesus has given me. On today, I declare and decree that I am a royal and chosen child of God. Heaven’s angels guard and guide me on my way. I believe it and I receive it. Thank you Jesus! Amen. Hallelujah!!!”

The Prize of Prosperity

I love you Royal daughters.

Go forth and be the Queen God has called you to be and walk in His prize of Prosperity.

#BeBlessed #BeLOVE

~Jacqueline Maddison

Jacqueline Maddison is Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in empowering others with the truth.

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