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The Power of Healing

The Power of Healing

Hello my beautiful Queens,

I’m so glad you joined me today. It’s wonderful that we are blessed to gather and grow together in our knowledge of the LORD and all of His wonderful promises to us as His precious children. We truly are royal children of the King, Creator of Heaven and Earth. When our time here on Earth is complete, we will join Him in Heaven and live forever in perfect Paradise. What a glorious gift God has given us, the gift of Eternal Life.

Prayer For Salvation

First and foremost, what you must know is that as a child of God, you never have to be sick again! You are called into the Royal Kingdom of God which separates you from the Kingdom of Darkness which is ruled by Satan. The devil is the one who brings all disease into the world, including cancer. In fact, all deformities of mankind are from Hell.

 The good news is that JESUS is the cure!!! God has promised us that we can pray for healing and He will heal us. Now of course, you cannot continue to sin and expect this power. No. It is only for those who turn away from their sinful nature and choose to accept Jesus as their LORD and Savior. Only then can you walk in the royal Power of God’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Prayer For Salvation

Did you know that when God came to Earth as the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, He healed the lame and the blind??? He did!!!  He cured leprosy and gave movement back to those who were paralyzed from birth. Additionally, he completely healed every person He touched. He even brought Lazarus back to life after he had been dead for a few days!!! That is who Jesus is! And that is how powerful His healing is!!!

“’Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.” Zecharaiah 4:6 Holy Bible

Of course, as a born-again Christian you also are given the same power Jesus has, because now the Holy Spirit lives inside you. The Holy Bible tells us that you can lay your hands on a sick person, pray to Jesus asking that they be healed, and they will recover! It’s true!!! I healed my own Grandmother and Aunt who were suffering from cancer. I did as the LORD told me to, and they are both cancer free!

“These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new tongues. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.” Mark 16:17-18 Holy Bible

At this point, it is vital that you understand how this power works. All sickness is sent from Hell and is brought into people’s bodies by the devil’s demons. The power of the blood of Jesus and the Name of Jesus commands them to flee. Demons cannot stay in the presence of God’s Holy Anointing or His Holy Spirit. That is why, as a born-again Christian believer, you are forever protected from the devil and his schemes to destroy you; your mind, your body, and your soul.

Jesus is the only one who can protect us!!!Prayer For Salvation

When you give your life to Jesus and surrender your whole heart to His Will, Jesus will send the Holy Spirit to be with you. He will guide you and guard you. Plus He will give you power over ALL THE POWER of the devil!!! That’s right!!! You are a Royal Queen to King Jesus!!! You are powerful!

When you say this prayer for salvation from a sincere heart you will be given a new heart. You will become a new creature in Christ. You will transform into a supernatural being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit of God!

PRAYER FOR SALVATION>>>Prayer For Salvation

How wonderful it is to know that there is a true Living God who loves you very much. He has given you the knowledge and the power to overcome all the temptations that the devil will throw at you. By being born again, you are set free from the power of sin. You must read the Holy Bible, the true Word of God. Doing so, will seal it upon your heart and your faith will be strengthened.

As always, spend time with God. Pray to Jesus. Share your heart and thoughts with Him, whether you’re alone in your room or simply on a walk, or driving. He loves to hear your sweet voice. Additionally Royal daughters, worship the King. Lift up your arms, lift up your voices and praise His Holy Highness. He gave you life! And He gave you healing power….The same power Jesus walked in when He came to Earth.

Prayer For SalvationPrayer is the most powerful weapon we have! Faith secures that weapon.

Now my daughters you have now been made aware of the great power of God that is the power of healing. The power that makes demons flee! That is power indeed. As a Royal Queen in the Kingdom of God you have been endowed with this Royal gift. Use it wisely.

Go now daughters…Lay hands on the sick, command the demons to leave in the Mighty Name of Jesus, and the sick will be healed.

Believe, my love, you do have the Power. The power of the Holy Spirit…The power of Healing.

#BeBlessed #BeLOVE

~Jacqueline Maddison

Jacqueline Maddison is Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in empowering others with the truth.

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