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The Hope of Honesty

The Hope of Honesty

Hello my sweet Queens,

First, I want you to understand that we live in a world that is full of lies. Lies about what is beautiful, lies about what is right and wrong, and lies about other people. The good news is that in the midst of all these deceptions, there is the beautiful truth.

The truth is, you are beautiful the way that you are. Only GOD decides what is right and wrong, and most of what you “hear” or read about other people, is usually false. In many cases, it’s just gossip and slander. These are unacceptable in God’s eyes. We are all made in God’s image, and to Him, we are all beautiful and special.

You always have the choice to be true or false. Before you speak, you must consider what you are about to say, always. You must ask yourself, “Am I being honest?” The small still voice in your mind will tell you loud and clear. If you are not, then do not speak the lie. Say only that which is true and honest.

WHY? Because honesty is the first chapter in the book of Wisdom. If you truly want to be a Queen, a lie must never come from your mouth. Not ever! Dishonesty is not suitable for a Royal Daughter. GOD knows every thought you have and every word you speak, and He will not bless you if you are a liar.

The Hope of Honesty

The beautiful thing about being honest at all times is that it sets you free! You can always be true to yourself, and say what you are thinking and feeling with an open heart. Now, this does not mean, you are permitted to say mean things or careless words. God will hold us accountable for every careless word we speak. Make sure your words are used for good.

If they do not encourage, enlighten or empower others, then they are not good. They are careless.

Of course, when people lie, they don’t realize they are creating a life that is a lie. When you are always honest you are living a true life. The life full of lies will always come crumbling down. But the person who is honest and true, can expect good things to happen to them.

God is a God of blessings and curses. He hates lies!!! I repeat, God hates lies!!! The devil was the first liar ever, and we know He will spend eternity in Hell because of it. God will curse all liars, because He hates lies.

Accordingly, when you choose to be honest in all your dealings, your life will change for the better. Even if it means confessing the truth to someone who you may have deceived in the past.

As Royal King and Queens, we must hold ourselves and others to the highest standard of honesty, integrity, and truth.

Lying must not be tolerated. 

No matter what.

When you finally come clean, it will be the most liberating feeling in the whole world. The devil no longer has a hold on your heart. He can’t keep you prisoner in your shame because of your secrets that are haunting you.

Rather, now God will bless your courage to confess and speak the truth, regardless of the potential consequences. You will find that God will make sure the situation works out better than you expect, just because you chose to do the right thing. The right thing is to be honest, always.

So you see Royal Daughters, the glorious hope of honesty is the blessing of God.

“The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.” ~ Proverbs 10:22

Now go out into the world and be honest to all whom you meet and the blessing of God will be upon you.

#BeBlessed #BeLOVE

Love always,

Jacqueline Maddison

Jacqueline Maddison is Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in empowering others with the truth.

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