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The Treasure of Trust

The Treasure of Trust

Hello beloved Queens,

Today I want to share with you of one of the most valuable things in all of the Royal Kingdom. It’s TRUST.

What is trust? It is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. When you know in your heart you can trust someone, it gives you a safe and secure feeling. It lets you know that you can rely on them, you can tell them anything and everything and you know they will be there for you no matter what, and they will never betray you or disappoint you.

It is truly the most wonderful feeling in the entire world to know you can trust someone! But WHO?

The Word of God, the Holy Bible, tells us that every man is a liar and no one is trustworthy, except God Himself.

Believe me Royal daughters, I have tested this and it’s true!!! You can trust God!!! Jesus will never disappoint you. In fact, His faithful love and loyalty is rarer than the most precious metals and gems in all the earth. That’s right! Our Almighty King is the most trustworthy person in the entire world!

The Treasure of Trust

As Royal Queens to our King we are called to surrender our hearts to Him, to trust in Him completely and He will provide for our every need; emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and materially. God created each and every one of us, so only He knows exactly what we need and would ever want. He promises to give us the desires of our heart if we would just take delight in Him and Him alone! Psalm 37:4

When you stand in awe of Jesus and how beautiful His faithfulness is, you will want to honor Him and worship Him. He deserves it. He protects your heart and soul from all the forces of evil and darkness in this world. He is your refuge and Redeemer. Your Father and your friend, your true love and your loyal King.

The Treasure of Trust

When you know you can trust in Him, this will increase your faith too. And the beautiful Bible tells us, “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” ~ Hebrews 11:1

Jesus wants us to walk by faith in Him alone. Faith that He will provide for our every need, faith that He will guide us, faith that He will protect us, and faith that He will help us every single day of our lives. The most precious promise that Jesus has made to us, is that when He put our faith and trust in Him completely, He will give us Eternal Life so we can live with Him forever in Heaven. God is not a human that He should lie, nor repent or change His mind. He is faithful, trustworthy, and true. Numbers 23:19

The Treasure of Trust

Beloved daughters, today you are receiving wonderful wisdom from God. Do you receive it? If you do, say so! “I RECEIVE IT!”

The Holy Bible, which is the God breathed word of the one and only Living God, tells us, “How much better it is to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!” Proverbs 16:16 and “For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with it.” ~ Proverbs 8:11

This means that nothing on earth will ever be worth more than the knowledge of God that you are receiving today. You must know the truth and the truth will set you free. You will be free from sin, and the snares of Satan that seek to keep you out of God’s Will and on the path to Hell. Now you know better. If you want to walk in God’s Will for your life, if you want Eternal Life with Jesus than say this prayer now:

Prayer For Salvation

Prayer For Salvation

Precious daughters of God, you are deeply loved by the Almighty King. He knew you before He formed you in your mother’s womb. It is Him who sent your spirit to earth. He is always with you. Forsake all the things of the world, and trust in Him completely, for He is the great treasure of trust. In Him are true riches, honor, and everlasting life. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Go beloved, and sin no more.

#BeBlessed #BeLOVE

~Jacqueline Maddison

Jacqueline Maddison is Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in empowering others with the truth.

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