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The Treasure of Trust

Hello beloved Queens, Today I want to share with you of one of the most valuable things in all of the Royal Kingdom. It’s TRUST. What is trust? It is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. When you know in your heart you can trust someone, it gives you a safe and secure feeling. It lets you know that you can rely on them, you can tell them anything and everything and you know they will be there for you no matter what, and they will never betray you or disappoint you. It is truly the most wonderful feeling in the entire world to know you can trust someone! But WHO? The Word of God, the Holy Bible, tells us that every man is a liar and no one is trustworthy, except God Himself. Believe me Royal daughters, I have tested this and it’s true!!! You can trust God!!! Jesus will never disappoint you. In fact, His faithful love and loyalty is rarer than the most precious metals and gems in all the earth. That’s right! Our Almighty King is the most trustworthy person in the entire world! As Royal Queens to […]

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The Purpose of Patience

Hello my precious Queens, I am writing to you today about something very special to my heart, patience. We live in a very fast-paced world that will keep you busy and distracted with everything from work to family and friends, to social media, television, and it just never seems to end. As a Queen, you have the power to take control over these things. Learn to slow down, to breathe and simply just enjoy being. We’ve all heard that patience is a virtue. This is so true. I have learned patience with God teaching me to wait for the things I want. He taught me to listen when others speak. Really listen. If we are patient with each other and willing to hear what our hearts have to say, we can all learn so much from each other. More than learning from each other, we have so much to give to one another. Imagine a friend is pouring their heart out to you about a matter they are facing in their life. This gives you an opportunity to speak hope to your friend, to encourage them with positive words, with kindness, and with your love. It truly is more blessed […]

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